Eddie Fisher, pictured center, with his present wife, DebbieReynolds on the left of him in the photo and his presently to be wife of thelate Elizabeth Taylor, in his own right. Ex-wife of Eddie Fisher DebbieReynolds, may be known more for the scandal surrounding her marriage to EddieFisher and a friend of Elizabeth Taylor than it is for her acting credits.Elizabeth Taylor, who passed yesterday (3.23) due to congestive heart failurehad a lot of her old friends paying their condolences to the many accolades.
Debbie Reynolds was friends with Elizabeth Taylor for manyyears before her husband, Eddie Fisher left Debbie reportedly to marryElizabeth Taylor. two later reconciled and remained friends until now.
Debbie this talk now about Elizabeth. "God bless her, she is abetter place. I'm glad that she is from her pain because she was in severepain. It was good, you know, she's in heaven, and it is paradise, and she ishappy." "Elizabethhas always been a young, big star. We had a lot of fun together. I was at herwedding to Mike Todd, and passed through all its various turbulent times, and Ieven gave her my husband for the sake of God."